Friday 26 October 2012

How to Sleep Your Baby

Just similar with adults, babies have to get enough sleep in order for them to stay healthy. Baby sleep is an crucial factor in a child's routine and life, and there are many tips you can use to help make this an easy transition. Below are many things that as a parent you can do to help get your baby sleep through the night.

Get  them into a routine
Babies respond well to routine.  Establish what works best for you and your baby. Whenever possible, try to put baby to bed at a similar time each night. The same goes for daytime naps.  Try to be consistent with the routine and time of daytime naps. For illustration, reading a book and having a sleep immediately after lunch.  Again, you need some flexibility to change as your child grows and has unlike sleep requirements. My baby's routine is: Wake Up - 7.30am. Feed1 8am. Feed2 11.30am. Feed3 2pm. Feed4 5pm. Feed5 7.30pm. Bedtime 8pm. The biggest challenge is to create a realistic attitude about night time routines for your baby and be flexible because every day is different. Keep the routine short, fun and simple, such as a bath, a nappy change then into her pyjamas, and a story or song. Ending the bedtime ritual in your baby's bedroom and make sure that her room is a nice place to be.

Give her a security object
You  could create a secure environment that allows your baby to feel secure enough to relax and sleep in. By taking time to set up a secure atmosphere for your child it will help your child remain in that secure state later in life. It is also important to ensure that your baby has a safe sleeping situation.

Make  her comfort
Another way that as a parent you can help your baby sleep through the night is to keep the evening calm. This can be done through quiet time, a bath, a lullaby, a short walk if weather is permitting, and being rocked to sleep. This allows the baby to start relaxing after dinner time instead of having them alert with loud toys, music etc. If you'd like her to sleep in your bed. Comfort her so she knows it's time for sleep. Lie down together and cuddle her, pretending to sleep, firmly letting her know it's bedtime. A comfortable crib is important for your baby to have a good night's sleep. Babies have sensitive skin and they get irritated easily, so when preparing baby's crib, make sure you choose only the best and most comfortable beddings. If you have a baby swing, make sure to use the comfortable baby swing. If you want to buy the new one, read some baby swing reviews before you buy.

Make her daytime active
If you want to make sure your child enjoys a deep sleep during these times, get her involved in activities during daytime. Keep her  busy by doing playful  activities together. Doing this will reduce her sleep time during the day, and will make sleeping at night easier for her. For night time, make her quiet and calm. This would help your baby to set her body clock and learn the difference between day and night.

If baby wakes
Do not be panic. Here are some suggestions:

  • Keep the lights very low
  • Make them comfort without picking them up
  • Try putting your hands gently on baby to so that he/she knows you are there
  • Give them milk/formula 
  • If baby needs feeding, do so in the bedroom in a dark, quiet 
  • Give them water

Overall, there are many techniques a parent can use but these are just to name a few of the ways you can create a positive and healthy situation to help your baby sleep through the night.

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